Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thankful (Day 10)

This week my husband's dad died of cancer....but honestly he is not very upset about it. John and his family have a different type of relationship than I grew up with. Our family was always close, we lived next door to our grandparents for crying out loud. I just finally figured out that what I have is special...not everyone was as lucky as me!!

I can't imagine what I would do if something happened to my mom. I don't even really want to think of the possibility. She is truly one of my best friends.

Now granted, it was not that way when I was a kid. We had your typically teenager/mom fights, nothing extreme though. One in particular I thought of this morning gave me the giggles. And the funniest thing is I don't even remember how it started.

I have to give you a little background before this story makes sense, so bare with me. There was a particular local church in Fayetteville that I had visited as a young child. They had a bus that they would go around and pick kids up to take them to Sunday school. One Sunday I went with a friend of mine, just to visit. We were probably about 6 or so years old. Well class was fine...but after that they showed us all a movie about sinners, and what happened to sinners. Keep in mind, this was a huge auditorium full of LITTLE kids, at least a couple of hundred kids. I remember this video like I just saw it yesterday!! In the video it showed a guy riding a motorcycle and listening to rock music...it claimed he was a sinner because of this....a few minutes later it showed the same rider wrecked on the side of the road with maggots all over him. This is what they claimed happened to sinners. I was so appalled, because even at 6 I knew that wasn't true....riding a motorcycle or listening to certain music did not mean you would go to hell. I stood up and stormed out of the room immediately. A teacher of course followed me....I was as much of a loud mouth then as I am now...so I proceeded to tell her that I was not watching anymore of that because it was wrong!! Needless to say I never went back there and they never asked me to come back either.

That was a lot of back story to explain that this same church had a private school....so for the rest of my years if I did another wrong all momma had to do was threaten to send me to XYZ "Christian" School (changed the name to protect the innocent) and I would straighten up in a heartbeat!!

Ok...so here's the fight with my mom. I was about 14 or 15 I think. We got into over something, me wanting to go somewhere, and she said no. Her and my dad had to be somewhere, and I was at home stewing over it. I talked to my friend on the phone, and she had a suggestion to "freak them out". She said I should turn everything in my room backwards or upside down. Turn all baby dolls to face the wall, all pictures hang upside, turn the TV around, she said to make it would make them think I was crazy!! So of course I try it....I turned my entire room on its end!! I sat there for a long time basking in my own glory, just knowing this would work, they would have to see, and freak them out! About 10 minutes before they were supposed to be home....it hit me....OMG, if she thinks I'm crazy she'll send me to XYZ school. Scared me to death!!! I fixed everything so fast it would make your head spin!!

The next day...Bailee, who was like 3 at the time, comes into my room and says "why is momma's picture upside down??"

Anyways....as I grew, and matured, and became a mother...I realized how much she means to me, and how I can't imagine life without her. I love you momma!! And thank you God for giving her to me.

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