Friday, November 13, 2009


Its harder than you think to come up with something different everyday that you are thankful for. It seemed like it would be so easy...I thought I could thank God every day for something surely...but to take the time to not take it for granted, and really think about it is tougher than I thought.

Especially today for some reason...I was having a bad day! I didn't want to think of something to be thankful for, I was cranky! I thought it doesn't matter anyway, no one actually reads these crazy ramblings....

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks...THAT'S IT!!!

I am thankful for this blog. I realized today it doesn't matter if no one reads it, because's for me! It always has been...even if I didn't realize it. When I stop long enough to put my thoughts down on "paper", I always learn something. Its good for me! It is teaching me something. Through this I have researched things that have been amazing!! And I love it. Plus then I have made some amazing friends thru reading their blogs too. And if something I say just happens to speak to someone else...well then that's just gravy!

1 comment:

Beth said...

I read it!!! I am proud you are keeping this up! You are amazing!