Sunday, October 26, 2008

Nothing is an accident

I have always thought that things happen for a reason...but today I think it goes one step further...I believe nothing happens by accident. Everything is planned out, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, by someon SO much bigger than us.

I always used to be a very impatient driver. I hated getting behind someone taking their sweet time and getting in my way. Then one day someone said to be....what if God was slowing you down on purpose? What if there was an accident just waiting to happen, that if you had been there 5 seconds earlier it could have been you? I take it now as a purposeful delay. What if the last 10 seconds of the song I am listening to on the way to work is the 5 words that I needed to get through the day, even if I didn't know it yet?

As I continue to pray for John to join us at church, something hit me today. It was no accident that he was the one who found the article in the newspaper about the grand opening of Breakthrough. He only looks at the paper once in a blue moom, and the one he choose to read that week had the article in it. As I type this now, I realize it is even much deeper than that. When he read the article he said it seems very much like your church in SC. He never went to church with us there, maybe once in the 3 years we did he know what "our" church was like?? Apparently he saw enough of it in me and the girls that he know what it was about. That is awesome!! I think it wasn't by chance that he found Breakthrough for us...I am taking that as a sign straight from God. An omen if you will, of his future desire to join us there. I just have to wait until the time is right! If I can just be patient, and wait for God to reveal it...I just pray He will use me in every way He can to make the difference, whatever it takes.

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