Sunday, October 26, 2008

Nothing is an accident

I have always thought that things happen for a reason...but today I think it goes one step further...I believe nothing happens by accident. Everything is planned out, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, by someon SO much bigger than us.

I always used to be a very impatient driver. I hated getting behind someone taking their sweet time and getting in my way. Then one day someone said to be....what if God was slowing you down on purpose? What if there was an accident just waiting to happen, that if you had been there 5 seconds earlier it could have been you? I take it now as a purposeful delay. What if the last 10 seconds of the song I am listening to on the way to work is the 5 words that I needed to get through the day, even if I didn't know it yet?

As I continue to pray for John to join us at church, something hit me today. It was no accident that he was the one who found the article in the newspaper about the grand opening of Breakthrough. He only looks at the paper once in a blue moom, and the one he choose to read that week had the article in it. As I type this now, I realize it is even much deeper than that. When he read the article he said it seems very much like your church in SC. He never went to church with us there, maybe once in the 3 years we did he know what "our" church was like?? Apparently he saw enough of it in me and the girls that he know what it was about. That is awesome!! I think it wasn't by chance that he found Breakthrough for us...I am taking that as a sign straight from God. An omen if you will, of his future desire to join us there. I just have to wait until the time is right! If I can just be patient, and wait for God to reveal it...I just pray He will use me in every way He can to make the difference, whatever it takes.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Constantly amazed

This one is an easy one to write, something happened at church last night that completely took my breath away. In our children's worship we have Praise and Worship with all the kids, then we circle up and pray together before splitting into the age groups. Every time we circle up, I ask if anyone of them wants to lead us in prayer, usually no one says anything, and I always say that's ok, one day you will and go ahead and pray myself or have one of the other teachers lead.
Last night was different....I almost didn't ask, but something told me lonely hand shot up like a light! I have to say I would have been proud no matter who's hand it was, but it happened to be my oldest daughter Tyler. My heart just lit up on the inside, I was so happy that she was willing to step out in faith, no matter what anyone else thought.

We have been praying more at home, and she will lead us sometimes, but its usually the standard help us have a good meal, or a good nights sleep, or a good day at school. But I haven't said anything to her because at this point any prayer is great! Well last night in Kidzone, she prayed all that first then....she says if there is anything on anyone's heart that is burdening them, I pray for them that You can take it away. I almost cried!!! It was so perfect, and so pure. Some days, she amazes me.

The other day we were at a friend's house who happens to home school all her children (bless her heart!!) and I wondered if my kids were missing out by us not doing that. Are they being exposed to things at school that we don't want them involved in? Are we making the right choice? God very quickly stirred my spirit and said that Tyler is going to be a very strong light for Jesus anywhere she goes, and if she stayed home everyday, how many kids would miss out on that blessing that is to come through her??

Monday, October 20, 2008

Hide all the mirrors!!

It is so hard to look in the mirror and see someone you didn't even realize you had become. What happened to that happy go lucky girl, who was all about her music, and didn't care what anybody else thought of her? Where did she go? I wish she would come back, I miss her.

But, in the same breath...I'm glad she's gone. We go through (notice I said through!!) things that shape us into the people we are to become. And on top of that, we go through (again with the through) the things that God has planned out for us so that we come out on the other side a different person. A smarter person, a more loving person, a more devoted person, a more focused person, a person that God can use to do His work.

It is very easy to lose sight of the person we want to be, and get caught up in the everyday, angry, hurt, bitter, miserable, fill in your own adjective, crazy person that we swore we would never be. In the process of praying for my husband, I am daily asking God to mold me into the wife I should be. Its amazing how many of the issues are not with him, but they are with ME!!! It isn't that he isn't listening to me about God, its that I'm not talking about God in front of him. It isn't that he won't consider going to church, its that I quit asking. Simply because I wasn't getting the answer I wanted right away. I can't expect it to be different's a process. God will not throw Himself on you, He's not intrusive. He has to be invited in. I can't expect my husband to just wake up and one day say "Oh wow, I need God". I have to be patient, loving, kind, and continue to pray.

Lord, help me to be open to anything you would have me say so that I may be a small part in doing Your Will, not mine. Help me to stay calm and focused even when the devil is screaming at me that it will never happen. Help me to be the kind of wife you want me to be, cleanse me of any anger, past or present, any hurt feelings, anything that I could be holding against him. Soften my heart so I can be the best vessel for you that I can be. Renew me, remake me, undo me, unbreak me. In Jesus name I humbly pray. Amen.

Friday, October 17, 2008

New frontier

The days are getting better, for real!! I am amazed by the things that can happen when you ask God for them. I have been really trying to be calmer and more understanding lately....and it makes a difference to the response you get from other people. The book I have been reading really emphasizes that before you can ask God to change someone else, you better start with asking Him to change you first. 9 times out of 10, it may not be the other person at all!

I have been asking God to help me be more loving, and less argumentative, and slower to anger or show extreme emotions. There were some days it is very hard to stay calm and be nice, when no one else is...but self control is a good thing. Well, last night it paid off. John and I had a couple of hours together, just us, after the kids went to bed. It was perfect!! Nothing major, just a little time alone. Some days it seems like we lead very separate lives under the same roof, we each have our own little routines, and we kind of leave each other to them. But last night, they sort of converged, we were really "together". I told him how much I appreciated the time with him. Then God quicken me to say something before I even realized I was saying it....I told John that I had been praying to God to give us some time alone. I was praying a free trip for a weekend away would come up at work, and it would be given to me, so that John and I could go away. Please understand, that wasn't about my asking God for material things, it was about having some quality time with just John. We never do anything without the girls, we need some us time. But last night was a wonderful start. For me to tell him that I was praying about us was a HUGE step for me. I always try to shelter him from that sort of talk to avoid confrontation. But what do I have to lose? He's going to think what he wants to think anyways. But what if telling him this time could make the difference? What if I didn't tell him and lost that one opportunity to touch his heart?
I am just blessed. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our daily hum drum we forget to slow down and appreciate all the wonderful things God has for us. They may not be wrapped up all pretty and neat like we want them to be, but they are still ours!

Here's a bonus one....last night after I prayed for Abigail, she said I pray for you momma. I said ok. She leaned over to me, put her hand on my forehead, said take care of momma, AMEN!! Love that baby girl!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I started reading a book today suggested to me by 2 wonderful friends called "The Power of a Praying Wife". I have read 1 chapter so far, and I am already crying my eyes out over it. The first few pages have pulled so many things that are happening in my life together, its got me completely in awe. You know how little things happen or are said to you and you don't really know why or what they are for at the time....then a couple of weeks later, God pulls it all together and makes it all make sense. That's exactly what is happening for me right now.

If you have been reading these blogs, you have seen that I am trying to get the girls more comfortable and accustomed to praying. **Here I thought it was for them, when lo and behold God says uh no, that was for you silly!** The first thing this book says is its much easier to pray for our children because from the first moment of their little life we want to do everything we can for them, its our mothers heart...but it says we have to take that same passion to pray for our husbands as well. No one has the same heart as a women, there is nothing like us...ON PURPOSE!!! He made us this way for a reason, use it!! So now that I have been more aggressive about prayer for the girls, I just need those same emotions for my husband and my marriage.

The second thing that all came together today is how big our God truly is. Pastor Nate preached on this today at church. And I said amen, and agreed, and understood it. But I didn't really know how to apply it until I started this book. I always felt there was no way for us to get to the place where I wanted us to be in our marriage. Don't get me wrong, its not horrible, I just want the whole fairy tale. I felt like nothing could ever change this enough....We seemed so far away from the ideal relationship, how could we ever get there??? But one line in this book made me realize. She says "You have to trust that God is big enough to accomplish all this and more." There it is. Our God is so exceedingly bigger than we could ever imagine, He can do all things. Not me, but HIM!!! I have to allow Him to show me what to say, how to react, how to respond....and things will change.

Thanks to Jacquie and Michelle for suggesting this book. If the first 5 pages are this good, I can't wait to see the rest.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Don't push that button!!!

Have you ever seen the movie Dennis the Menace with Walter Mathau? Where the kid can't help himself, every time he sees a button he HAS to push it. He tries so hard not to, but he just can't stop. Well that's how I have felt this week. I feel like everyone is pushing my buttons and just begging me to push theirs back.

But I have made a decision, a promise to God and myself that I will not give in so easily. I will not respond to every poke with a poke. I refuse to be mislead by the devil so quickly. Every time we take a step towards the right atmosphere in this house, the devil gives John these great little "pokes" to throw at me. It fires me up so much, and all I want to do is send a fiery dart right back his direction as loud and mean as I can. But I am not going to fall into that trap anymore. That is the easy way out. I am not going to do it anymore. I calmly say, that's ok, or whatever you say, or I'll try honey. Don't get me wrong, it's not fact it is horrible. Because sometimes that makes the "pokes" coming my direction get even bigger, and uglier, and harder to resist. But I will not let the devil win any longer.

Whether its my boss, my employees, my children, or my husband....I will not give in to the devil's ways any longer. I will not allow any comments to stir my spirit in a negative way. Happiness is a choice that we can make everyday....and I choose to be blissfully happy in every day that the Lord has given me to share with my family and friends!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How do you do it??

As a working mother, I get asked all the do you do it? In fact a customer of mine asked me that very question last night. She said that she got home at 730pm and was doing her "house things", and she thought of me, working all day, then going home to a husband and 3 kids...she said she had no idea how I could do it.

So I decided to stop and think about it for a minute, just how do I do it? I came up with 3 reasons or ways that I get things done. First of all, is I just decide that's what's got to be done, and do it. Once I set my mind to something, there is no other way. I just pre-plan a lot, I'm a list maker. The key to that is keeping up with the lists! But seriously, I work 50 hours a week, because it has to be done, we decided we wanted a nice home, a good place for the girls to grow up, a dependable certain things have to happen to live in such a beautiful place. Yes, the cost of living is higher in WNC, but look around, how could you not love to live here!! My mom and I took the girls on the boat tour of Lake Lure on Sunday, all the tourists were saying how gorgeous the views were...I leaned into Tyler and said "and just think we LIVE here!!" It's amazing.

The second way I am able to do what I do is with a wonderful husband. I will admit John is not the perfect husband, but I don't think anyone is. I will say he is a great father, and he will do anything for these girls. Even if it means working at night so they don't have to go to a babysitter or daycare. He wants them to have the opportunities that he didn't have growing up. There are some husbands who are home during the day that want to just sit around though...not John. He has been helping with the daily mundane house junk that has to be done, he cooks, he is teaching Abigail her ABC's...I am amazed with him actually. Other than laundry, he does it all. He may not be going to church with us this point as I'd like, but it's all in God's time, not Libby's, I just have to be patient.

And the 3rd way I can do all things is through Jesus. Check out this verse I found this morning, it really sums it all's 1Peter 4:10-12
10Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. 11If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

That's it in a nutshell...everything I do I try to do with excellence, I do not settle for mediocre. So why not, in this short time we are here, do all they we can with everything we have in us???

Monday, October 6, 2008

Thank God for Tuesday!!

Let me just say Hallelujah it's finally Tuesday...the girls go back to school in the morning!!

Don't get me wrong, I love them all...but it is time to get back to our regular schedule. They have eaten us out of house and home. The house has been upside down for 3 weeks. I am definitely ready to get back to normal. It has been a very long break, but I think a very productive break. Apryl has learned to tie her shoes, Tyler went to a young leaders camp, and Abigail has had her big sissies around to play with. But the best part of and the girls are coming together every night to agree in prayer. Tonight, I told them we would all sit down and pray for school...Tyler asked "can we each have a turn to pray about certain things for school?" ABSOLUTELY YOU CAN!!!

They are each at the point where they want to pray, they aren't afraid to. And the main reason is....because the have seen it WORK!!! They have seen healings up close and personal. But also the faith of a child is amazing. It's trusting, loving, and has no limitations. They believe that anything is possible, because it truly is! I only wish I could be as sure as they are.

I always want them to learn for me...but I hope that is one thing I can eventually learn from them.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The wind is blowing....

Things that may seem to other people as small and uneventful, are major steps for me. I am so excited about the little changes I am seeing in this household. I pray everyday for the devil to flee from here....and he is!! Don't think for a minute that I don't have to remind him everyday that he is not welcome...because he is a very stubborn adversary. But I will not allow him to have any influence over my family, my house, my children, my husband, or my life.

Here is the small step for tonight, and that's all I have to say. As we were all getting our jammies on to sit down and veg out in front of the TV for a little while Apryl says "so momma, who are we going to pray for tonight?" Not in a smart mouth, I don't want to kind of voice....but in an excited, I know things can get done when we pray kind of voice. They are getting it!!

Thank you Jesus, because I know You can and You will change this situation for your glory!

Friday, October 3, 2008

The forgotten Golden Rule

What is happening in the world today? When did we forget what it means to treat others as we would like to be treated? Again, I guess my momma just raised me better. But I just don't like the way people interact anymore, in the workplace, in stores, in schools, on TV...which bleeds over into our homes. I don't want my girls thinking its ok to scream and yell at each other, or be rude, or use words that aren't positive and uplifting. What happened to just being nice to each other because it's what we should do?

It happens everyday at work...whether its from employees or customers, it happens more times that I would like to count in a single day. Customers want to be helped and treated with respect...but only when they decide it's time. When the first arrive, they put their hands up and say in the rudest voice possible "I don't need any help, I'm just looking". Why does it have to be so hateful? Or from employees...rather than doing what's expected from them and maybe a little extra, they want to do as little as possible but demand more pay, and more days off, and more benefits. And then they spread their negativity disease to everyone else at work, they tell anybody that will listen how mistreated they are.

I don't want that for my children. I don't want them to grow up in a negative world. I don't want to shelter them either, but I want them to realize that you get more flies with honey, than you do with vinegar.

Tonight Tyler got very loud and obnoxious with me. The exact phrase was "for your information". It lit me up like a firecracker. Typically I would scream and yell, and possible spank her. Tonight, I sent her to her room first. I needed a few minutes to think, to gather myself, to decide where to go next. This week, I have been trying to approach things from a different angle, to try to achieve different results. I needed a bible verse to show her...I wanted her to know not only did I say she shouldn't talk that way, but I wanted her to know that's not what Jesus expected from her either. I went online to use a bible concordance to find something, anything that would work. I looked and looked, and wasn't finding anything. Iwas about to give up. (Of course that's what the devil wanted me to do) I tried to think of someone to call that might know one, but its a little late on Friday, and its not like this was an emergency. But wait, to me, it seemed like an emergency, it was something I wanted to handle now and I wanted to handle it the right way. Finally I came across Matthew 7:12 which says "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." Thank you Jesus, I found one!!!

I called Tyler back into the room, and I asked her to bring her bible with her. I had her look up the verse. Once she found it, I asked her "what color is that verse?" She said "red". I asked her "what does that mean?" She said "that means Jesus said it". I said "exactly, then read it out loud". We discussed it, I explained to her that means if you don't want to be yelled at, or talked ugly to, or mistreated, then she shouldn't do that to others. I may not have the backup in this house that I desire....but tonight I found backup, the biggest backup of all!! I truly feel like she took it to heart. We discussed if we wanted to be more like Christ, we need to talk more like Christ to everyone around us.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Quick and to the point....

The seasons are changing outside....and they are inside as well. Every small step will eventually get us there.

You have to choose to do things differently than you ever have before. If you want to see change, it has to start with your attitude. I am determined to see in change in my house. I rebuke the devil, I banish him from this house, he has no place here. Where the glory and praise of the Lord lives, there is room for nothing else!! I will fight for this family, and anyone who gets in my way better watch out. I have set my sights on it...and I will attain it, because I am victorious!!