Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thankful for His favor in my life

I will be straight honest with you....there are things going on in my life right now that I do not deserve. Granted none of us really deserve the blessings we receive...we deserve much worse. BUT...He freely gives it anyways. :)

I believe with all of my heart the wonderful things that are going on in my life...
the weight loss
the amazing closeness at home
the sales I get at work
the new fresh anointing that I am receiving
the renewed spirit
the words being dropped in my heart from HIM
are ALL as a result of getting myself in line with what He has in store for me. I am not having to work as hard as I should to receive these things, but HE is bestowing them on me because I am walking in the path He set forth for me at this point in my life.

I believes He is saying....
Oh, you are willing to memorize scriptures...then I will drop off a pound

Oh, you are willing to put your all into this ministry, then I will send the right customers to each day

Oh, you are willing to step up and be the example, then I will create a bond between you and your husband you would have never imagined would be there

Oh, you are willing to be in prayer more for your friends, then I will give you more friends to be a part of your life

He wants to bless us with those extras....but only when we are willing to offer up the extras!! A very dear friend of mine and former pastor used to say "Get under the spout where the glory comes out!" Line yourself up to receive all that He has for you!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Thankful for a Friend in HIM!

We sang a lot Sunday morning about Jesus being a friend above all other, closer than a brother, far behind any other we can even imagine...

Can you believe that? Not only does He love us as a father loves a child, but He wants to know us as a friend too.

No matter what I say...He still wants to talk with me.

No matter what I do....He still longs to be near me.

No matter how far I run....He is still waiting for my return with open arms.

So today...thank you Lord, for wanting to be my friend, and allowing me to be Yours.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

What to be thankful for today???

I will say I am having a hard time thinking of something specific to be thankful for today. Not that there isn't plenty to be thankful for, hear me there, I do know that. But to put a name on it is hard today for some reason...

Of course I am thankful for the silly things....Homestyle popcorn, scrambled eggs, diet dr pepper...am I hungry or what?? There must be something besides food that I am thankful for.....

AHA! I've got it!! I thought of this a couple of days ago, but just didn't write about it. Me and John and the girls have been enjoying the outside alot more lately than normal. We have gone to Linville Caverns, Linville Falls, Mills River, Pisgah National Forest, and falls at Dupont State Park. We live in an amazing beautiful world. God made us a wonderful world to live in. And sometimes we really take it for granted. I want my girls to realize that not everyone has the opportunity to see all the beautiful things like they do right out their backdoor!!

So today I am thankful for the gorgeous sunshine, trees, flowers, falls, mountains, rain, clouds, all the wonderful creations of a magnificent God!

Friday, June 25, 2010

My Friend and Partner in Crime

Today I have been completely distracted with all the millions of things flowing through my mind....ministries, and websites, and blogs, and opportunities, and emails to send....and music....and meetings....
There have been so many ideas in brain today that I can hardle keep them under control. My mind is just reeling!

Then I realized where it was all coming from....its all BETH'S fault!! LOL!
In a good way though! I am so proud to call her my friend. Every day she challenges me to do more and want more out of life, out of my realationship with my Savior. When I try to hold back, and not get too excited...she reminds me that nothing is too big for my GOD! She continues to remind me that He wants to bless me and my family with above and beyond all that I can imagine! She says she will be excited for me if I want.

I honestly need her in my life! I can't imagine not being her friend at this point. (SO Kevin you are never allowed to move, at least not without taking the Sims family with you!!)
We definitely need each other..God is lining us up for something big! He had it planned all along. I know that without a doubt!!! We are 2 peas in a pod really. It is incredible to me how in tune our hearts have become lately. Its almost scary!! But again...we serve a very big God who can and will do anything to serve HIS purpose!! He has a reason for she and I being friends....besides just having fun :)

So Bethie...today I thank God for you my friend.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thankful for miracles!

I have thanked God for my little miracle many times already, but I was reminded of it yesterday right in front of my face.

Abigail is absolutely a healed little miracle!!! A year ago, pre-surgery, if she did too much physical activity especially outside, after a few minutes her face would get very red, and she would get worked up. You could always see that it was time to stop.

Yesterday we all went to Dupont State park and hiked up to a waterfall. It was a ROUGH hike, mostly uphill, tons of stairs. And she hung in there the whole time!! She is a trooper!!

I know this may seem like a little deal....my God just quicken me to remember that just because her healing, or her miracle is done and over....doesn't mean that I shouldn't keep thanking Him for it!! He has a plan for that little life, I can't wait to see it!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A New Comittment!

Today I am thankful for the revelation that God placed in my heart yesterday. A new found passion for more!!

Here's the thing though...if He is willing to give me abundantly above all that I can imagine....why am I not willing to offer more of myself?

10 more minutes in His word

10 less minutes of TV for some of His encouragement

10 more minutes in prayer for a friend

Get up 30 minutes earlier to study His promises to me & my family

Help in one more outreach ministry

Be more involved in the ministries I have already signed up for

Be more of in example in my home and every day life

Say one less negative thing and replace it with one more positive thing

Offer one more song of praise

Offer up one more moment of thanksgiving

Show Him one more bit of my heart for Him

One more offering of worship to the Holy One

Read one more chapter of the Bible rather than one more chapter of the latest love novel before going to bed

Commit one more verse to memory because you may just need to tell it to someone else today

I want more of Him....so how can I expect not to offer more of me??
Today Lord I pray...continue to fill me with the desire for more of you, and a willing spirit to offer anything you ask me too! Not that you expect it in return but I do it anyways simply because I want to!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Thankful for time...

Today I am thankful for the time the Lord gives me with my family. I love that the girls at this point still want to spend time with us, their parents! They enjoy being with us, the attention, the laughs, the fun...and I thank God so much for that!!

I know it won't be long before they will grow older and want to be with friends, or be alone....because we will be old and boring! But for right now, we can still have fun as a family!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Today is an easy day to be thankful!!

Today is my and John's 11th anniversary, and I am so incredible happy about how far God has brought us. I can't even put into words the amazing things that are happening right in front of my face!
I know that every marriage should grow and become better each year....but really...do they in most marriages?? It becomes easier to be angry, easier to pull away, easier to be bitter, easier to be distant, easier to just go through the motions.

But today I stand utterly amazed, overflowing with joy, blissfully happy in a wonderful marriage and life with my family!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Visions & Dreams

God is amazing! I know that you know that already!! But HE is.

I am so thankful today for the visions and dreams God is placing in my heart for so many different things!! He has BIG plans for my life, and He is showing me more each day exactly what I am supposed to be doing.

And I thank God for the partnerships He is giving me in each direction. Whether its my husband at home....Phyllis in the children's ministry....or Beth in every thing else (Love ya lady!!) I thank Him for the people He is putting in my pathway to stand with me through the journeys of life.

I look forward to seeing more and more each day of what He has in store for me!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Just a Wednesday!

Thank you God for just a wonderful Wednesday! It doesn't have to be any special day to just be thankful for the day. On this particular Wednesday me, John, and the 3 girls had an incredible time just being together. We spent most of it outside and just hanging out!! It was wonderful!! Plus I had the time to talk to my hubby like I haven't it a long time...I actually got to hear his heart. That's hard for him, just like most men....but on this day he let me see just a little more than normal.

Thank you God for this Wednesday!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thankful Day #2

This one is a repeat from last time I did this, but it is so much bigger now. I can't even put into words how happy I am in my relationship with my wonderful God given husband. And yes I said God given...because I believe that he is definitely the man God had in mind for me all along. He has challenged me in ways that were perfect for my journey. By being able to witness and minister to him, it is causing me to be stronger in my faith and knowledge. I have to know my stuff to be able to have answers to John's questions. I know I don't always do my best, out of complete and utter fear....but I am still learning to be bolder about it.

Each and every day God brings us closer together, creating a bond that is unbreakable by anyone, a closeness that wasn't there in the years past, a newness that we just discovered this year (in our 10th year of marriage!), a wonderful affection that I can't even explain, a longing in his eyes that I haven't seen in a while that is loving returned everyday from me, an amazing love that grows with the rising of the sun.

I read something today that said you can't look for that complete unconditional love always in your spouse first. We are created to long for someone to fill that void...but the grind of every day life makes that near impossible with another human. BUT if you look to God first to fill you...you can in turn love your spouse in ways you never knew that you could. Because in those times when you don't feel like you can love them because of the "circumstances"...GOD makes a way, God fills your heart so that it can overflow onto your spouse. THAT is what I have found this year. That if I turn to God first, then I can love my husband that much more!

Here's the kicker to all of that...when I turned to God...he told me its not always the hubby, the changes have to start in me. And I thank God for turning the light on in my darkness, that even though it hurt to be exposed, now I can walk in the freedom of loving my spouse with everything God has placed in me for him.

Monday, June 14, 2010

A Thankful Heart!

I did this back in November around thanksgiving, but I felt very prompted by the Holy Spirit to do it again. God has really been telling me lately to slow down and look at all the amazing things he has given me, and stop focusing on the things I don't have. But to appreciate what is in my life.
So...here I am, trying to really notice all the incredible things in my life. For the rest of this month, I am going to take the time to be heartfelt in my gratitude for the big things as well as the little things.

Today I am gonna start with the biggest thing I have to be thankful for...the freely given grace of God! He offers it whether or not you are ready for it. He choose us way before we ever thought of choosing Him! That is incredible to me!! Think about that....who have you ever loved, adored, held dear....and they didn't return the feelings? That no matter whether they felt the same for you, you continued to long for them, and really desire to be closer to them, even if they were completely cold, disconnected, and withdrawn from you. The biggest desire of HIS heart is to restore that fellowship with you. That is amazing!

The grace of God is the only thing that can save us from the mess we make in our lives every day. Nothing else can cover all the bumps and scraps that each day brings.

I praise Him for it...for myself, my family, my children...every day He brings His grace new and fresh for us. Thank you Lord...that's all there is to say, thank you!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Me versus the other me....

Why is it so hard for me to see me the way others see me?

Do I hide the real me?

Do I only know the true me?

Do I wear a mask?

Am I just my biggest critic?

Who's right....them or me?

This last week, me and a few friends tried a little experiment. We wrote a letter to ourselves about how we see ourselves, and then wrote letters to each women about what we see in them. It was so hard for me to write the letter about myself! I wanted to be honest, not what I want to be, or hope to be, or what I thought other people want to hear....I wanted to write what I really thought of myself. Bottom line I ended up saying I was not enough! Not enough of a wife, not enough of a mother, not enough of a salesperson, and definitely not enough of a christian.

I don't read my bible enough, I definitely don't pray enough, I always forget to remind the girls to brush their teeth at night, never remember to clean out their ears, I am sure there are dust bunnies under my couch, and I almost always leave at least one pair of shoes somewhere in the house other than the closet. So how is it that my friends see me as an amazing example of a christian wife and mother? They talked about patience, and kindness, and a loving heart, and an incredible spirit, and seeing Jesus through me. Why is it so hard to see in myself???

Earlier in the week I had read Psalm 139, that explain exactly how God sees me, how He feels for me. If he is my example....then I should follow His lead on this as well.

Psalm 139:1-24 (NKJV)
"1 O LORD, You have searched me and known me.
2 You know my sitting down and my rising up;
You understand my thought afar off.
3 You comprehend my path and my lying down,
And are acquainted with all my ways.
4 For there is not a word on my tongue,
But behold, O LORD, You know it altogether.
5 You have hedged me behind and before,
And laid Your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is high, I cannot attain it.

7 Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from Your presence?
8 If I ascend into heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.
9 If I take the wings of the morning,
And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10 Even there Your hand shall lead me,
And Your right hand shall hold me.
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness shall fall[a] on me,”
Even the night shall be light about me;
12 Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You,
But the night shines as the day;
The darkness and the light are both alike to You.

13 For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;[b]
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.

17 How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them!
18 If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand;
When I awake, I am still with You.

19 Oh, that You would slay the wicked, O God!
Depart from me, therefore, you bloodthirsty men.
20 For they speak against You wickedly;
Your enemies take Your name in vain.[c]
21 Do I not hate them, O LORD, who hate You?
And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?
22 I hate them with perfect hatred;
I count them my enemies.

23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me, and know my anxieties;
24 And see if there is any wicked way in me,
And lead me in the way everlasting."

As an aside....do the letters with a few friends, take the time to send a few gals a nice heart felt, hand written letter....nothing on this earth is more precious than an encouraging word!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Can you define friendship?

Everyone thinks the know what it is to be a friend, but do we really?

I looked up the word friend online today, here are the definitions I found....

a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard

a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter

a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile

Yeah, ok, that's all true. But does that really cover it? Does that say what you feel about your TRUE friends? Is that it? Isn't there more than that?

I think there is. And a lot of this I am basing on a new journey in my christian walk God has me going on. I believe God puts other people in our lives for a specific reason. To hold us accountable in our daily walk. What good is a friend if she doesn't say "now wait a minute, was that really that right thing to do?" Is a friend someone who just goes shopping for new shoes with you or talks about the latest gossip? No she should be so much more than that.

Proverbs 27:17 says "You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another."

To be a true friend of course you are supposed to be supportive, and have fun, and go out to lunch with, and talk on the phone with, and text with, and laugh with.....But there is so much more that God has planned for me as a friend. Recently, I have become closer with a group of ladies that I already called friends....but God is leading us into bigger things. He is weaving a cord of women, a tapestry of our testimonies that cannot be broken. He has placed all of us on the other's hearts. I feel such a growing connection with these women that I can't even begin to explain. I love them with all my heart, and can't wait to see where God takes us together. There is a reason why He is pulling us together I just know it, there are women we are going to touch with our stories, lives we can change with our histories, and futures we can mold with our testimonies...all because God had it planned this way from the beginning.

I am proud to call the Fab Five my friends! Cara, Jade, Beth, Jenny, & Naomi...you are incredibly strong women, and I look forward to this growing sisterhood that HE has created.

"Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12

Monday, February 22, 2010

My love is not my own....

I heard a song at the end of last week that has really stuck with me. I wanted to post it on here as a video but I couldn't find it on you tube. Can you beleive that??? Something NOT on you tube, I was surprised too. Anyways....

The chorus says....
"My love is not my own, it all belong to You.
And after all You've done the least that I can do,
is live my life in every part only to please my Father's heart."

It hit me like a ton of bricks! My love is not mine, it all comes from God. So He gets to tell me who to pass it out to, and how much. AND....since He loves everyone more than they deserve all the time....then so should I!

Meaning....that husband that just didn't fold the clothes right, or that child that smarted back one too many times, or that co-worker that just drives you nuts, or person in front of you who just drives too slow.....LOVE THEM ANYWAYS! Because He does...and to please His heart, I should too!

Short and sweet and to the point!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Jerky Monster Reared Its Head....

The fam and I went on an incredible trip to Great Wolf Lodge this week in Concord, NC. That place is amazing!! But I wanted us to go to spend a little quality time together. We never have time to just have fun and not worry about the phone ringing, or getting to work, or chores....so we just went! And it was perfect...no one yelled, no one misbehaved, no one argued, no one whined....we just hung out together and had fun!! It was exactly what we all needed, not just John and I, but the girls too.

When I originally planned the trip, I wanted to go on the weekend, because Saturday is John's birthday, so I thought we could go then. Plus my fasting would be over and it would make eating easier for us as a family. Well then I found out how much less expensive the room was on a Tuesday versus a Saturday....we saved almost $150!! So we went on a Tuesday. Which actually turned out perfect because there weren't as many people there either....the water park was much more bearable without lines....plus the 84 degrees inside was fabulous too!!

Anyways....so the first night I let John pick where he wanted to eat as a birthday dinner. He picks a huge steakhouse. I figured no big deal, they will have something I can eat, veggie burger or something....NOPE! Not a thing....I had a house salad. But it was fine, I was ok. He ate a 20 oz. porterhouse and it really didn't bother me. I only had 3 days left....and I had seen soooo many changes in our lives, we were at a new place, a new love, fresh and wonderful. So I was fine!!

The next day...the girls are eating ice cream...the most incredible looking ice cream I had ever seen! But I was fine....worth it...2 more days....I could do this. I was in control, not my flesh!

Then we all saw a store we had to stop at.....a Beef Jerky Outlet! Yes, you heard me right a jerky outlet...insane right?? I am a HUGE jerky fan, even made it at home before. But I knew we could buy some and I would take it home, and could have some on Friday. No big problem. I knew going in I couldn't have any now, and that was fine with me. God was doing things in me and my family and that was more important than any stinkin' jerky snacks! So we go in....and its incredible, every jerky you could imagine....beef (of course), turkey, alligator, ostrich, buffalo, kangaroo even. And its just everywhere!!! They had huge barrels of every flavor of beef you could think of along the outside, with little samples pieces that you could try. Well we are walking through and I wanted to try a piece to see if we wanted to buy any. My mind thought of it as a snack (which I am not eating either) but I rationalized it through that we were on our way to lunch and it was just part of lunch, not a snack, just a try to see if we would buy it. Five minutes later John says "you just ate meat." I almost cried right there in the jerky outlet. I couldn't believe it. I had gone 39 days...and now I screw up!! I was so upset with myself. I didn't even think of it as meat in my brain. I was crushed!!

One cool thing I can say (now that its over) is John was very compassionate about it. He knew it hurt my feelings, he knew I was upset...and he was very comforting about, very sweet!

I did feel like I was in trouble though. I had worked so hard, for so many days...and to screw it up on the next to last day. I was so quiet at lunch...I wanted to puke, I wanted to cry, I wanted to just curl up in a ball. Then it got worse....

John was telling me about a couple we had been talking to at the Great Wolf Lodge, and he mentioned my fast to the wife. She said that they had done a 21 day Daniel fast in January. (Awesome!! Small world really!!) Anyways...he said that she asked why wasn't he fasting too....well he then says to me that he told her because he didn't believe in church. I know my face went blank, I almost cried (again!) right there in Ryan's this time. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. I immediately felt like I was being punished. 39 days of fasting, reading, and praying....was now ruined in my mind. I was totally defeated.

I asked him why would he say that. He replied that everyone always assumed the worst when you say that. I agreed, I couldn't believe he would say that. I was so hurt at that exact moment. Say that you don't go with us or whatever...but don't believe! I barely spoke the entire ride home.

My love dare for the 39th day was to write a letter to you spouse explaining why you were in it for the long haul, why you are commited to them, and why you love them. Through writing that letter, I realized how far we had come. How much closer we are, how much more connected we are, how I see him through different eyes now. And I thought about what he said about not beleiving in church and that people assume the worst. He was right! I assumed the worst, I assumed that was the end of it. But he didnt say that he didn't beleive in God...just church. There's a difference. Baby steps....but there is still hope. And I will keep trying, and keep asking, and keep praying...one day....but either way, I still love him with all my heart, and covenant with God to always love him!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

New things....

SO much has been going on its been hard to find time to blog about any of it.

I don't even really know where to start. I am still fasting....please don't take that as a complaint because really its not. It has been amazing! Really! God is showing me some incredible stuff...about my self, my purpose, my family's purpose....its just so cool!

One day during the fast a friend and I decided to do a complete fast, water only. I was scared to death. (I can say that right?) I just knew I would be so hungry. I was used to eating all day, how could I even imagine that I could go all day with just water? I don't even like water!! And then to top it off...it snowed a ton that day, so I was stuck at home. Meanwhile the kids are eating every 5 seconds!! But ya know what...God is so much bigger than my stomach and its stupid wants. It was an incredible day. God dropped something in my spirit that day that really changed my outlook on things.

I was online chatting with a friend on facebook, just innocent talking about work. I was sort of complaining about changes and stress and being tired....that's when He dropped it in my heart...."You're not there for that." What you say God??? He said again "You are not there just to sell furniture. Look at the lives you are touching, affecting, changing. That is what you are there for. Shine my light!"

I almost starting weeping right there on the spot. It was incredible. There is really no other way to describe it. I always thought of my job as just that....A JOB and nothing else. I never thought about God having a purpose for me at work other than providing for my family. To think He wanted me there....that there are people there that I am supposed to influence. I needed to get over myself, and my complaints, and my stress and do what HE WANTS ME TO DO!!! Duh??

And once I did....here's the kicker. I was all in a tizzy about a new sales manager, what would he be like, too pushy, too mean, too hardcore, untruthful....the prospects scared me to death. Well this week he started a sales meeting by talking about how we all need to follow the example of Jesus! What? Say that again? A boss talking about using Jesus as an example?? Could this be happening? Here??? God is awesome!!!

Ok....so I am starting to ramble but I can't help myself. I am just feeling a difference, seeing a difference....and ready for more!!! Bring it!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

A 2fer day!!

Ok....so I havent blogged in like a month, and I have 2 things on my heart today!

While I was in the shower this morning, God reminded me of a song that we used to sing at our church in SC. It was written by someone in a family very close to my heart, and I love it!!
So I thought I would share the words this morning....

"You knew me when living was easy
not much was required for me to be satisfied.
You knew me when I started to hunger
I started to thrist like never before.
In my dark days You were a light to me.
In my blindness I began to see
that You have always known me
and more and more You've shown me.

Like a stream in the desert
You're restoring my soul.
Like a cool, clean, living water
running over, and over, and over."

That's one of the many things God has for us...He is a restorer of our soul!!
Take it in...accept it....be refreshed....walk in that refreshing today!!

A new experience

At the beginning of my fast...I was thinking wow! this is going to be easy, and I am going to get what I want no problem. Well I had a rude awakening last night....but it the end it was good for me.

I just assumed if I was fasting for something in particular, that if I was doing what I promised God I would do...then it would just be handed to me, no questions asked.


First of all, my way of it happening and HIS way of it happening may be 2 completely different things. I have to bow to His ways, and wait patiently. (Man! That word keeps coming up alot in my studies lately. Why is it so hard to be patient??)

The second thing is the devil is not just going to sit back and let me have it without a fight. He knows if this works out, then this house will be a powerful force for the kingdom. When I think of all the things God has already done through just me and the girls....the miracles, the healings, the blessings...I can only imagine how amazing it will be when we are ALL in agreement. And the devil knows that...he not going to give up that easily. It is still a daily battle...even though we sometimes we forget he is doing everything he can to stop us.

Last night as I lay in my bed crying and reading in my bible, and I felt God direct me to Proverbs 4. Here is a wonderful verse that spoke to me....

"When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble."
Proverbs 4:12