Friday, June 25, 2010

My Friend and Partner in Crime

Today I have been completely distracted with all the millions of things flowing through my mind....ministries, and websites, and blogs, and opportunities, and emails to send....and music....and meetings....
There have been so many ideas in brain today that I can hardle keep them under control. My mind is just reeling!

Then I realized where it was all coming from....its all BETH'S fault!! LOL!
In a good way though! I am so proud to call her my friend. Every day she challenges me to do more and want more out of life, out of my realationship with my Savior. When I try to hold back, and not get too excited...she reminds me that nothing is too big for my GOD! She continues to remind me that He wants to bless me and my family with above and beyond all that I can imagine! She says she will be excited for me if I want.

I honestly need her in my life! I can't imagine not being her friend at this point. (SO Kevin you are never allowed to move, at least not without taking the Sims family with you!!)
We definitely need each other..God is lining us up for something big! He had it planned all along. I know that without a doubt!!! We are 2 peas in a pod really. It is incredible to me how in tune our hearts have become lately. Its almost scary!! But again...we serve a very big God who can and will do anything to serve HIS purpose!! He has a reason for she and I being friends....besides just having fun :)

So I thank God for you my friend.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Oh my Lib- I JUST read this and had all kinds of emotions. I feel the same way about you, I feel like you understand me and hear my heart and when I feel like I don't have the words you have them for me. I feel honored to call you my friend and sister in Christ! I love you, thank you for this post!!