Sunday, September 28, 2008

Will you catch this??

In a germ-a-phobic world of colds, flus, STDs and everything else disgusting, where hand sanitizer is in every good mother's purse.....we are all scared to death of catching anything. We scrub our hands all the time, we won't even think about sitting on a public toilet, and definitely don't handle the door knob in a public bathroom. I personally wipe everything with clorox wipes. I found something that I hope is so contagious, no one can escape it, and in fact I want to be a carrier as well!!

First, let's look at the definition of the word infectious....the first one I found said this "communicable by infection, as from one person to another or from one part of the body to another". But as I continued down the list, here's the one I like...."tending to spread from one to another". I want what I have to be a complete, world dominating, epidemic.

I hope to spread infectious JOY everywhere I go!!!!!

I heard that phrase on Friday afternoon in a commercial and it has bounced around my head all weekend. That is exactly how I hope to be. I want to carry the joy of the Lord with me, and give and show it to everyone I know and meet. Please do everything you can to help me spread this horrible disease!!!

1 comment:

Beth said...

I would LOVE to use your girls, lets set up a time!!!
See you Sunday!