Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What's your hang up?

The last few weeks in Kidzone, we have been singing a song called "God is Big". The kids love this song, in fact I love this song. They get so excited, and they scream it at the top of their lungs, because they don't know any different. None of the "junk" of the world clouds their view of God. Tyler said to me on the way home from church tonight "did you know that there was no beginning of time, that God always was." And she was completely amazed by it!!

The last few days I have been praying for God to help me "deal" with all kinds of me deal with Abigail's asthma, help me deal with bad attitudes at work, help me deal with my frustrations at home....but here's the thing, by asking Him to help me "deal" with it, I am putting Him in a tiny box. I am making Him so much smaller than He actually is. Don't help me deal with Abigail's illnesses, just heal her, take them away from her. Don't help me deal with bad attitudes at work, change their hearts, make me a positive influence that is so BIG they can't help but agree. Don't help me deal with frustration, take the burden off my heart to handle it alone, and help me to truly hand it over to You.

I had no idea how much I was limiting what I thought God could do. How much lack of faith that I really have. He is so much bigger than we can even imagine, our tiny brains can't even begin to comprehend. I can't wait for the day when I get to stand in front of God and say "oh, now I get it".

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