Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I am ready!

The time is finally here. We leave for Duke in less than 48 hours. A couple of weeks ago I was scared out of my mind, I was so worried....all the what ifs were clouding my mind. I was really freaked out about everything.

I had a talk with my dad Saturday night....he was telling me to calm down, relax, pull it together. I tried to explain to him that if it were me I could handle it no problem, been there, done that! But this is my child, my baby, my little Abigail...so I couldn't get it together. I was a wreck!

Well Sunday morning I went to church expecting to cry the entire time, to be a mess, have someone pray with me, and hopefully get it together. But during Praise & Worship time....I really felt God speak directly to me. He said I know you are worried about your child, but remember she is MY child too. How much more do you think I love her and watch over her?

I stopped dead in my tracks....I had never felt something so strongly in all my life. I knew that I knew that I knew it was directly from God. All through the service, over and over I heard in my head "she's my child too". And suddenly I felt such a peace over the situation, a calmness that I couldn't explain, a togetherness that I hadn't felt in weeks.

So although our bags aren't completely packed, and the car route isn't completely picked....I am ready 100%. He is in control, He will protect and watch over her. She will come out the other side a stronger, healthier little girl with a testimony so big that only He can get the glory!!

1 comment:

Beth said...

And we are standing with you through this whole thing! Love you!