Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I am so excited to receive my first blog award from my wonderful new friend Lynn today!
There are only two rules to follow after accepting this award and they are...
1. Confess 5 things you are addicted to.2. Pass the award on to 5 deserving bloggers.

SO let me think of the 5 things I am addicted to....wow! it's really hard to narrow it down!!

1. Praise and Worship - I love leading this with the children at our church. I can't even begin to explain how joy it gives me to hear them all singing HOLY HOLY HOLY!!!

2. Facebook - or as I more fondly call it "crackbook". It is horribly addictive!! I just can't stop!

3. Puffy Cheetos - all the salespeople at work know that if they want something from me....all they have to do to butter me us is bring me a Dr Pepper and a bag of cheetos (but not the crunchy ones, only the puffs)

4. Popsicles - this is a new one for me. I am desperately trying to lose weight. And I found out I can soothe a sweet tooth with a Popsicle that has only 40 calories and NO fat. YEAH!!! I just finished a HULK Popsicle seconds ago!!

5. Blogs (writing and reading) - I love seeing into people souls. You are more apt to write what you really feel, rather than tell someone. I strongly suggest everyone try it. Its good to get it off your chest.

Now to pass it on to 5 deserving bloggers.....
Check this out and I promise you will be blessed!!!

Beth at www.silvertanner.blogspot.com
and also at www.momentsframed.blogspot.com

Michelle at www.hills-avl.blogspot.com

Pamela at www.inhisgraces.blogspot.com

and Sara at www.reallifeblog.net

I read all of these regularly and am so touched by every post. I hope you will be too!!!


natalie said...

Dear Friend,
I stumbled on to your blog, actually, I think God led me to it, to help me get thru today!

I read your post about "you belong here". I've had lots going on lately, and have been asking God what the purpose is in going thru all of this "stuff".

You are so right, He does have a purpose, our lives were planned way before we were even born! I can see that all I've been thru, has brought me and my family so much closer to Him. Sometimes Ihave to remind myself that He can see much further down the road than we can.

Good for you in saying your kids come first! Enjoy them now, they grow up toooo fast! I'm praying all works out with your job.

p.s. I read some of your other posts, you are a blessing Libby!

Grace 2 U,

Pamela (His maidservant) said...

Congrats! Wish I had more blog time to explore but we are heading out to a retreat with our church teenagers. I will try to come back and respind to this award.

And thank you for the info so I can listen to your pastors sermons. I am needing it right now (going through a little crisis with a teenage daughter-grace! grace! grace!)


In His Graces~Pamela

LynnSC said...

Hey Libby... you always bless me with your post! You deserved the award.

Come back by mine... I am having a giveaway!!
