Saturday, April 25, 2009

God's Glory

This is going to be a short post, but it is something I just had to share. My daughter has been carrying an old bible of ours to church lately, and last Sunday I opened it up and found a quote that I had written on the first page. First of all, I am not a bible writer, meaning I have always thought it wasn't ok to write in your bible, so this must have been really important at the time for me to put it there. But I can't for the life of me remember where I got it, or why I wrote it....but I really like it.

It said....
Praise until the spirit of worship comes. Worship until the Glory of God appears, then just stand in the presence of the Glory of God.


natalie said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog. Most of all, I thank you for your prayers!

This has been a tough year for me. Mal would be a Sr. Our family offers a scholarship in Malorie's Name so we have been pouring over scholarship apps. to decide who will get those this year. So many of Mal's Friends have applied and have told us so many stories about Mal. It has really been bittersweet!

You are so right, and I did need the reminder, our time here without Mal is like a drop in the bucket compared to when we get to Heaven and will be together as a family, for "eternity"!

I was also reading your post about prayer. Libby, thank you for that, I too am going to concentrate on my prayer life! I'm praying God will be a blessing to your family this week.

Grace 2 U,

Pamela (His maidservant) said...

what an awesome quote. I canot help you in who it belongs to but I plan to add it to my Bible!!


In His Graces~Pamela