Monday, June 14, 2010

A Thankful Heart!

I did this back in November around thanksgiving, but I felt very prompted by the Holy Spirit to do it again. God has really been telling me lately to slow down and look at all the amazing things he has given me, and stop focusing on the things I don't have. But to appreciate what is in my life. I am, trying to really notice all the incredible things in my life. For the rest of this month, I am going to take the time to be heartfelt in my gratitude for the big things as well as the little things.

Today I am gonna start with the biggest thing I have to be thankful for...the freely given grace of God! He offers it whether or not you are ready for it. He choose us way before we ever thought of choosing Him! That is incredible to me!! Think about that....who have you ever loved, adored, held dear....and they didn't return the feelings? That no matter whether they felt the same for you, you continued to long for them, and really desire to be closer to them, even if they were completely cold, disconnected, and withdrawn from you. The biggest desire of HIS heart is to restore that fellowship with you. That is amazing!

The grace of God is the only thing that can save us from the mess we make in our lives every day. Nothing else can cover all the bumps and scraps that each day brings.

I praise Him for it...for myself, my family, my children...every day He brings His grace new and fresh for us. Thank you Lord...that's all there is to say, thank you!

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